We provide advice on trade and investment opportunities in the region. We facilitate investment transactions by providing advice to prospective investors seeking to invest in Zimbabwe and the East and Southern Africa Region.
We work with IDAs and DFIs to craft strategies for development and intra-regional trade to procure significant economic gains for Africa.
ACA has a business rescue unit which works with distressed companies to turnaround their fortunes through business process re-engineering, fund mobilization and business partners identification.
SMEs are an important contributor to any country’s GDP. We provide training in productivity improvement, strategic management, financial management, access-to-finance, and quality enhancement.
Our PSD services are targeted at Governments and Development Cooperation Partners (“DCPs”). The latter includes International Development Agencies (“IDAs”)
Our Corporate Advisory Services are targeted at investors in the private sector and the business facilitation organisations that serve the sector.
We work on projects that enhance access to finance at affordable cost and access to markets by marginalised individuals in the community.
We assist with the review of corporate governance issues and help develop effective governance systems.
SMEs are an important contributor to any country’s GDP. We provide training in productivity improvement, strategic management, financial management, access-to-finance, and quality enhancement.