Zimbabwe has continuously strived to utilize its available resources to boost the economic activity and promote investment. It comprises of 10 provinces rich in minerals such as gold & silver, platinum, diamond, chrome, nickel and coal. The government has put in measures to ensure foreign & domestic investors and investment establishments, operation and broadening are favourable.
The country has focused on improving investor confidence for foreign direct investment (FDI) in flows by stabilisation of policy implementation. The government has adopted policies to respect property rights in an attempt to further protect and promote FDI. Zimbabwe is in the process of improving its Infrastructure to promote production which in turn will promote employment.
A reform to seek attractiveness of Zimbabwe has been put in place to provide; Efficient, effective and transparent systems to carry out investments. The legal frameworks for investment in Zimbabwe have been modernised and enhanced. And to promote the development of sufficient international standards and practices in connection with investment.
The country a member of several trade organisations like WTO (World Trade Organisation) and SADC (Southern African Development Community) and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
Population, millions | 14.4 |
GDP per capita, U.S. dollars, | US$1322 |
GDP Growth, Percent | 4% |
Inflation (2020) | 473% |
FDI Net Inflow million | 744.6 |
Export of goods and services billion | 4.7 |
Ease of doing business (2019) | 140 |
Principal Exports | Tobacco, Nickel |
Principal Imports | Motor vehicles & machinery, Fuel and foodstuffs |
Main Exports Destinations | South Africa, China, Congo and Botswana |
Main Imports Origins | South Africa and China |
Telecommunications & Postal Services Sector
- Telone
- Netone Pvt Limited
- ZIMPOST Pvt Limited
Mining Sector
- Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) subsidiaries
Banking Sector
- Agribank Pvt Limited
- People’s Own Saving Bank (POSB)
- Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe Pvt Limited (IDBZ)
Energy and Power Sector
- Petrotrade
Manufacturing Sector
- Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe (IDCZ) subsidiaries namely
- Chemplex Corporation
- Zimglas
- Willovale Motor Industry
- Deven Pvt Limited
Forestry & Timber Sector
- Allied Timbers
Transport Sector
Infrastructure Development Sector
- Expansion and modernisation of roads, railways, and airports
- Industrial park and shopping malls including utilities (roads, sewers,water and power), office parks and residentials houses
- Water and sanitation including dam construction, sewer reticulation and waste management facilities
- Specialed hospitals
- ICT Infrastucture
Tourism Sector
- Construction of 5 to 7 star Hotels and lodges
- Construction of international Convention centres
- Amusement park
- Themed parks
- Photographic Safaris Camp Development
- Tour Operations
Agribusiness Sector
- Manufacturing of irrigation equipment
- Precision Agriculture: use of digital solutions such as drones
- Production of Pharmaceuticals for Livestock
- Cattle to beef and cattle to leather
- Cotton to clothing and textiles
- Grains to beer
- Production of ethanol from sugarcane
- Making wine from grapes
- Processing of Macadamia nuts to oils and cosmetics